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About Us

To empower and unite local AAPI organizations, leveraging our decades-long expertise in community-driven programs, economic development, and advocacy. Through strategic partnerships and innovative initiatives, we strive to foster resilience, combat hate, and champion equity for Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the pursuit of a more just and inclusive society.



Foster Resilience

Combat Hate

Champion Equity


Our Services

Our services include Reporting a Hate Crime, Self-Defenses Classes, Mental Health Support, Legal Assistance, Street Patrol & Escort, and Workshops & Townhalls.

Our Resources

Check out resources on how to protect yourselves.

Meet Our Team

Our team includes various partners from across the San Francisco Bay Area region who are committed in the pursuit of a more just and inclusive society.


ASIAN, Inc. is involved in community development and advocacy to improve neighborhood facilities and influence policies for better social equity.

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Asians are Strong

Asians are Strong emerged in response to escalating racist violence in March 2021, including the Atlanta Spa Shootings and local attacks in San Francisco. Motivated by a need to empower and protect the Asian community, the movement focuses on solidarity, resilience, and standing against anti-Asian hate.

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Chinatown Volunteer Coalition

Chinatown Volunteer Coalition is a collective of volunteers and community members dedicated to supporting and assisting San Francisco's Chinatown during times of need. They focus on providing essential services, resources, and advocacy to address community challenges and promote unity and resilience within Chinatown.

Hotline Number: 415-340-1487

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Compassion in Oakland

Compassion in Oakland is a grassroots organization dedicated to promoting kindness and empathy in the community, supporting marginalized groups, and initiating positive social change through local initiatives.

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Stand with Asians Americans

Stand with Asian Americans is a movement and advocacy group that aims to raise awareness about issues affecting Asian Americans, combat anti-Asian racism, and promote solidarity and support within the community and beyond.

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